

Corporate Social Responsibility

Doing our part for people and the environment

At Jotelulu, we are aware of our responsibilities.

We are conscious of the world that we live in and want to be part of a more equal, sustainable society. This is why we work every day to improve in different areas, doing our bit for people and the environment in a way that 100% represents who we are and our company values.

Carbon Footprint - 2023

Climate change is a global problem that threatens global ecosystems, sustainable development and people’s well-being. Addressing it is a collaborative effort and requires immediate action. Today, there are many organisations and programmes that are conscious of the situation and are taking voluntary initiatives such as measuring their carbon footprint and activities to reduce emissions. Jotelulu is absolutely one of them. 

At Jotelulu, we have carried out an exhaustive calculation of our carbon footprint because we need to measure it if we are going to reduce it. Our aim is to continue growing whilst reducing our impact, and for that reason, we aim to be carbon neutral.

Carbon Neutral

This year, 2023, we are offsetting our entire Carbon Footprint with Climate Trade through a project focused on the protection and use of timber forests in Tulancingo, Mexico.

The silvicultural treatments to be applied in this region aim to promote the necessary conditions that allow the development of the existing forest mass and consequently the biomass and carbon stored. The following activities will also be carried out: residue control, firebreaks, perimeter protection fencing, pruning, among others.

Furthermore, this project complies with the following Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Conscious about CO2eq Emissions

Cloud computing has significantly altered the way companies store and handle data. In order to save space, time and money, more and more IT managers are contracting cloud services instead of using local servers on their company’s premises. This trend not only affects the way that companies operate but also has a significant impact on energy efficiency, emissions and the environment.


Jotelulu is a cloud services platform and, as a result, is able to offer more energy-efficient services. We believe this to be important and should be something that everybody takes seriously. That is why we provide a Usage section on our platform so that you can see a measure of the emissions you save by using our services.

Energy Consumption: Efficiency and Renewable Sources

Given the nature of our products, energy consumption is a factor that we simply cannot ignore. Here at Jotelulu, we stick to the following principles:

  • Energy Efficiency. We are committed to finding suppliers that improve efficiency at all stages of the productive chain, reduce energy consumption and help us to design a more efficient infrastructure.
  • Renewable Energy Sources. We ensure that 100% of the energy used in our data centres comes from renewable sources (wind, hydroelectric and solar).  

We know the important role that energy plays for our platform, and we are conscious of what it takes to produce it, transport it and manage it. That is why our focus is always on increasing efficiency in our facilities.

Our Position on Home Deliveries

Let’s be honest. There is no such thing as ‘free delivery’.

Most products that Jotelulu offers are online services and do not involve the shipping of a physical product. However, some services, such as the Cloud PBX or mobile telephony services, may require the delivery of a physical product to the user, such as a SIM card or other device. This shipping has a cost (both financial and, particularly, environmental), and our users should be aware of this. That’s why, at Jotelulu, we decided a long time ago not to offer free shipping for any of our products. We encourage our customers to reuse, recycle and buy locally whenever possible.

Remote Working: Employees and the Environment

For most companies in the services sector, their most significant source of emissions comes from employees travelling to work from home. By introducing initiatives like remote working, companies have been able to reduce their CO2eq emissions whilst creating better relationships with their staff and changing the way employees feel about their work.

At Jotelulu, we fully understand the benefits and have encouraged remote working with great results, both in professional terms (productivity and staff loyalty) and environmental terms (our carbon footprint).

Responsible Purchasing

We are very conscious of the nature of our business and are aware of its impact. We consume energy and we need hardware. This is why we have established responsible purchasing criteria that apply to all our procurement processes.


Currently, all of our procurement processes include a technical, financial and environmental assessment to ensure that any purchases adhere to our policy of reducing consumption, increasing energy efficiency and promoting reuse. In fact, the most economically sensible option is often the most environmentally responsible in the long term.

Work-life Balance: Because Balance is Important

At Jotelulu, we believe in having a flexible working environment, and we have a firm commitment to ensuring that our employees maintain a positive work-life balance. We don’t believe that things only get done by having people in the office. Instead, we aim to allow people to manage their own time and efficiency, focusing on results instead of the amount of time our employees spend in front of the computer.


Flexible working hours, one-off intensive work-days and a few days of remote working a week are just some of the measures that we have implemented to achieve a better work-life balance.

Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reduction

Cloud computing has significantly altered the way companies store and handle data. In order to save space, time and money, more and more IT managers are contracting cloud services instead of using local servers on their company’s premises. This trend not only affects the way that companies operate but also has a significant impact on energy efficiency, emissions and the environment.

When looking at the energy consumption and emissions of cloud computing compared with traditional in-house services, it can be clearly seen that infrastructures hosted in data centres (cloud services) are notably more efficient than those installed on a company’s own premises. The architecture of data centres and their related services are optimised to increase energy efficiency, make better use of physical space and reduce hardware costs.


Jotelulu is a cloud services platform and, as such, is able to offer more energy-efficient services. We believe this to be important, and that is why we visually capture the emissions savings achieved by using our services.

Just looking at the numbers, we have carried out an exhaustive analysis based on various carbon footprint studies and comparative trials to establish the difference (in gCO2eq) between services hosted in a data centre and services hosted in-house in relation to our types of services and usage levels.

At Jotelulu, we believe in continuously reducing the environmental impact of our services. To achieve this, we are trying to measure our energy consumption and environmental impact at the same time as working to improve the efficiency of our hardware, data centres and process.

Comparative Study on Cloud Computing in Carbon Cost & Energy Consumption

The Carbon emissions of Server Computing for Small (to medium) size organizations

A Comprehensive study on Cloud Green Computing: To Reduce Carbon Footprints Using Clouds

iPhone Xs Environmental Report

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We make the difficult easy

Existing Disaster Recovery tools often require advanced knowledge to manage, demanding expertise that is difficult to acquire.

Jotelulu’s Disaster Recovery aims to make the difficult easy and offers a very simple deployment based on a three-step configuration:

Origin (Primary Site)
Determine the origin location of the subscription on which the Disaster Recovery service will be established.

Destination (Recovery Site)
Set the destination location (availability zone) where you want the Recovery Site to be deployed.

Replication characteristics
Specify the data related to the number of copies to be kept and the frequency at which the replication will be performed.