

Customer Experiences

A few examples of how Jotelulu has helped our customers to become more competitive

At Jotelulu, we work for our partners… many, many businesses in the ITC sector.

Hundreds of companies in Spain use Jotelulu to offer cloud services to SMEs to help them become more efficient and competitive. Here, you can read about how companies like yours have managed to improve technologically and commercially thanks to the services offered on our platform.

How to use the cloud to create a new line of business

Industry: IT solutions and software development.
Size: 70 employees.
Location: Logroño, Spain.
Services: Remote Desktop and Servers.

Based in Logroño, Emesa is a leader in the north of Spain a global ITC solutions provider. With more than 25 years of history developing software and IT solutions, Emesa continues to score the market in search of new services that will help them to grow and offer something extra to their customers.

José Lorenzo, Organisation and Process Manager at Emesa, knows a great deal about searching for new solutions. When asked his expectations for the future, he said, “For a long time in Spain, we have focused on selling and maintaining hardware. It is an important part of our overall business, but we have seen the trends in the market and are conscious that the cloud is playing an increasingly bigger role. That is why finding solutions like Jotelulu’s Remote Desktop is important when looking to the next few years”.


Remote Desktop as a new line of business

One of José Lorenza’s roles at Emesa is to try new services, equipment and companies… and after a lot of testing, reach conclusions about the best option for the business.

This is how José came to learn about Jotelulu, the Remote Desktop service and the team working behind the scenes. “I believe that Jotelulu is truly focused on the needs of SMEs. They know how to cater for the particular demands of small businesses and they think a lot about their Partners”, commented José after registering a new Remote Desktop service. “What surprised us was the response of the team when I needed changes or proposed improvements. They are a really fantastic team!”. After a lot of testing, José gave the thumb up and presented the Remote Desktop service to the company’s management team. Emesa incorporated the new product into their portfolio and quickly began deploying a number of services. “It is difficult to find cloud services that are as well-focused on SMEs, so when I come across one, it is hard to ignore”, affirms José.


Why to opt for the Jotelulu Remote Desktop as a VDI solution.

Industry: Software Development and Integration.

Size: 10 employees.

Location: Madrid.

Service: Remote Desktop.

STR Ingeniería are specialists in developing technical software for the construction sector and ERP software for business management. Based in Madrid, they have a long history of using the latest in development, communications and database technologies to offer standardised products at affordable prices.

Luis Medina, CEO of STR Ingeniería, believes that construction technicians do not need access to accounting functions to be able to do their job. Similarly, the finance department has no interest in the construction process. As a result, they have spent more than 10 years linking management software with technical construction software in a completely independent and controlled manner. Years ago, they evaluated the many different options to provide their customers with remote access that would allow them to use their software from any location. That is when they learnt about Jotelulu’s Remote Desktop service and saw its potential compared to other solutions on the market.


The differences between Remote Desktop and other VDI solutions.

“I believe that the Jotelulu Remote Desktop has some significant advantages that any solutions integrator like STR ingeniería should take into consideration”
, claims Luis.

“Firstly, there is the price, which is very competitive as the solution is hosted on an applications server instead of VDI desktops. There is no need to worry about backups, antivirus or infrastructure because it is all included in the service. It can also be customised, and most important of all, in the 4 years that we have been using Jotelulu, we have never had a systems failure“, says Luis. “We should also mention the platform, which is a very powerful tool that is being constantly updated with new services and special features for companies like it. Put simply, it’s very good”.


How to make Sage 50 and Sage 200 much more flexible and affordable.

Industry: Software Integration

Size: 10 – 50 employees.

Location: León, Spain.

Service: Remote Desktop.

AlcaTic is a leading partner of SAGE in Castille and León in northern Spain. As specialists in developing IT products and services for small and medium-sized businesses, they have 20 years of history offering tailored services to their customers with different business management programs (SAGE 50, SAGE 200, Contaplus, Facturaplus, etc.).

Since the beginning, Luis Miguel Castro, CEO and commercial manager at AlcaTic, has had the clear belief that “SMEs need to update, digitalise and optimise their internal management processes”. As a result, since 1998, they have been offering cutting-edge technology solutions that are tailored to the customer’s needs. Their end goal is the make business management easier, faster and more convenient. And that is when AlcaTic and Jotelulu first met.


SAGE 50 and 200 more affordable with the Remote Desktop

The demand for cloud services has multiplied 10-fold in the last two years, and Luís Miguel and his team had already seen it coming. So, a long time ago, they tried out numerous solutions to enable various SAGE programs on the cloud. During their search, they found Jotelulu, and there was an instant connection.

The Jotelulu platform and the Remote Desktop service fit perfectly with AlcaTic’s business philosophy: “Jotelulu make it very easy to access the program, allowing users to connect from any location. It preserves all the original ERP functions and both the performance and speed are very good”, says Luis Miguel. “In the end, the most important thing is that our customers are happy and that the process of accessing and running applications is as simple as possible. And the fact is that, until now, all of our customers are very satisfied with the services and all features that it offers”, he adds.

Ultimately, Jotelulu and AlcaTic share the same goals: to add value for the end customer by making business management and administration simpler, more convenient and more affordable. Clearly, they were a perfect match, and that is why AlcaTic has been collaborating with Jotelulu since the start of 2021. And it is hoped that it will be a long and happy relationship.


A3ERP – even more versatile with Remote Desktop.

Industria: Integrador de Software.

Tamaño: 10 –50 trabajadores.

Ubicación: Madrid.

Servicio: Escritorio Remoto (>10 años).

Pool Informático is a leading partner of Wolters Kluwer in Spain. As ERP specialists for businesses and professional offices, they have more than 25 years of experience working with SMEs and micro-enterprises on various IT applications and business management solutions. As Wolters Kluwer Gold Partners, they invested a lot of time looking for a stable, functional solution that would help them make A3ERP into a 100% cloud application.

Jorge Elduayen, Commercial Manager at Pool Informatático, leads the entire sales process, interacts directly with the CEOs of small businesses and receives a lot of feedback about the needs and concerns of SMEs with respect to putting A3Software on the cloud. Cost, security, stability and ease of use are just some of the concerns raised about moving onto the cloud, but that doesn’t mean that interest and demand are not growing all the time.

On the technical side of the business, we find the systems administrator, Israel Flores. He is responsible for making sure that services are always operational and is charged with setting up environments, integrating software and maintaining the company’s IT infrastructure. He comes from a different perspective and looks for stability and simplicity so that he can optimise his time when taking care of the infrastructure.


Remote Desktop – making A3ERP a more versatile program.

The clear trend of cloud services in the last few years is that demand is increasing and this can be seen clearly in the sales department of any software integration company. Javier Blázquez, Managing Director at Pool Informático clearly understood this trend and know that they needed a cloud environment where they could install A3ERP and other auxiliary programs (ofimática, etc.) and that would allow remote working whilst being fully integrated with the local environment (printers, scanners, etc.). It was what SMEs wanted.

That is where the idea come from to try out Jotelulu’s Remote Desktop service, hoping to add value for the customer by providing a fully integrated, easy-to-use cloud environment that would make A3ERP more versatile.


Help for the technical team.

Israel, on the other hand, had his eyes on a different challenge: how to manage a new service that is continuously growing (in both number and size) and do so in the most organised and efficient way possible.

Before using the Jotelulu platform, scaling a service like the Remote Desktop was mission impossible. It required a lot of effort and specialist knowledge about connection technologies (and infrastructure), not to mention the time to perform manual processes. “Jotelulu allows me to deploy remote desktops easily so that I can dedicate my time to integration processes. In the end, that is what we are supposed to spend our time doing”, explains Israel. “Furthermore, I can control all my customers and their respective services from a single place, which makes me much more efficient when managing, updating and maintaining processes”.


Because the cloud is the cornerstone of the digital transformation for small businesses

Industry: Software Development and Integration.

Size: 40 employees.

Location: Tortosa, Spain

Service: Remote Desktop.

Disi Servicios Informáticos is one of the leading integrators of A3ERP in Tarragona and is an important software developer working in numerous different fields. With a team of more than 40 professionals, Disi has 20 years of history leading the digital transformation of companies in Catalonia.

Albert Curto Ferré, Director at Disi, and all his team have a clear mission: to help businesses throughout the entire digital transformation process and contribute their expertise as they adopt these technological changes. “We are focused on the customer and their satisfaction. It is at the heart of our approach and what has enabled us to become leaders in the digital transformation,” claims Albert. “Our culture is all about providing a personalised service, immediate response, professionalism and being at the cutting-edge of technology”. And it is precisely this approach that led Disi to learn about the platform and venture even further into the world of the cloud.


Cloud services, the platform and the digital transformation of SMEs

At Disi, they look to help organisations to be more competitive. To achieve this, they often need to transform processes, implement new tools and find areas to improve. All this means that they have to continuously re-evaluate their culture, processes and business partnerships. And years ago, they decided to work with Jotelulu.

For a long time, Albert understood the importance of the cloud and its relationship with the majority of Disi’s projects. “Cloud services are intimately linked with the digital transformation and are often at the centre of the strategies that we propose”, says Albert. “Having a platform like Jotelulu, its services and the team behind it is very reassuring”. Maybe that is why Disi has spent a number of years putting its trust in Jotelulu’s services and infrastructure.

But it’s not all about the services or the cloud. What Albert really likes about Jotelulu are the platform’s extra features and its 360° approach. “One of the great things about Jotelulu is that it is focused on addressing the true needs of IT companies, not just supporting our technical team but also supporting our sales, admin and even legal staff. They understand what it is that we need,” claims Albert. Furthermore, they are always one step ahead and regularly surprise us with new services, messages or useful features that we were not expecting. We love that”, he concludes.

Customer satisfaction and continuous innovation are, for Disi, the key part of their success. Albert Curto and his team understand this and know that to maintain their standards, they need providers that are attentive to their needs and can add value as they help their customers in their digital transformation.


How to preserve the company philosophy while making Ahora ERP more affordable

Industry: Software Integrator.

Size: 10 employees.

Location: Camarles, Spain

Service: Remote Desktop.

DERTOCHIP IT business solutions is one of the leading partners of AHORA Software in Tarragona. Made up of a team of highly qualified technicians, they offer comprehensive IT solutions and close, attentive service to regional SMEs.  

Since the beginning, Sergi Mauri, CEO of DERTOCHIP, and the entire team have dedicated themselves to their customers, listening, analysing and proposing innovative solutions to their problems: “Our priority is to provide the most appropriate tool to solve our customers’ problems, and to do this, maintaining a close, attentive relationship with the customer is absolutely key”. This is why they offer Ahora ERP and why they work with Jotelulu.


Remote Desktop and Ahora ERP – the perfect combination that fits with their business philosophy

DERTOCHIP has always sought to provide comprehensive solutions, whether it’s servers, networks, equipment, web environments, internet, management software or cloud services. They have always aimed to 100% meet their customers’ needs with software and their own in-house solutions, although in recent times, they have opted for trusted partners like Ahora Software and Jotelulu.

One of the most important points is that they perfectly understand the fit between Ahora ERP and Remote Desktop service and how customers benefit from it. “The Remote Desktop service makes it simple to access Ahora ERP from any location, and it is much easier for us to set up too,” says Sergi. “In the end, we want to meet the demands of the new market and do so efficiently. Adding Jotelulu to the equation makes perfect sense.”

But it is not just about the service. Jotelulu, Ahora ERP and DERTOCHIP all coincide in their business philosophy“We like that there are no sales commitments when collaborating with partners and that features are not conditional upon minimal billing amounts. That was one of the reasons we decided to work with Ahora Software, and it was one of the first things we raised with Jotelulu,” explains Sergi. “Furthermore, having a direct line to quality technicians allows us to be much more agile when responding to customer incidents,” he adds.

For DERTOCHIP, attentive customer service and customer satisfaction are key when working with small and medium-sized businesses in Tarragona. Sergi Mauri and his team understand that, to maintain this good relationship, they need to count on partners who share their philosophy and respond quickly. That is why they have chosen and continue to trust Jotelulu.


How to add value to SMEs by offering A3 Software on the cloud

Industry: Web Design and Software Integration

Size:  < 10 employees.

Location: Madrid, Spain.

Service: Remote Desktop 

Diseño Web Maranú was founded in 2003 with the clear objective to help small and medium-sized businesses in Spain in their digital transformation. In 2020, 17 years later, Maranú is a leading authorised distributor for Wolters Kluwer in Spain and has extensive experience helping companies to improve their internet presence and positioning.

Manuel Rufo, CEO at Maranú, is very aware that the technical needs of small companies have very little to do with the needs of big business. This was one of the main reasons that Diseño Web Maranú was founded and why it is constantly searching for innovative products that can meet the needs of SMEs, who are increasingly more interested in technology and digitalisation.


Remote Desktop – service that fits with their business model

A few years ago, that search finally yielded results. Manuel needed to set up a cloud environment so that one of their customers could easily run A3 applications from any location. As they considered the proposal, two great challenges came to light: firstly, they needed something that catered to the particular needs of that customer, and secondly, it needed to be affordable and easy to implement and maintain.

After years of intense use, it seems that the Jotelulu Remote Desktop has been a success. “It allows us to offer A3ERP and A3Asesor on the cloud. It is clearly well-designed with the small business in mind, along with all their particular needs, and furthermore, it is very affordable, claims Manuel Rufo. Today, Maranú has a number of customers on the platform and offers different services besides the Remote Desktop. 

“We use Jotelulu because it allows us to continue growing and offer more value to our customers, without overlooking our core business. It is a great complement to what we do as a company.”

Ultimately, what Manuel looks for is the same as every CEO: to continue offering quality services that add value for customers by staying competitive in an increasingly complex market. Jotelulu fits this model perfectly, and that is why Diseño Web Maranú has been trusting in the platform for a number of years.


Manage multiple cloud users from a single place with your own branding

Industry: Software Development (ISV).

Size: 10 – 50 employees.

Location: Murcia, Spain.

Service: Remote Desktop.

OneSoft boasts more than 20 years of experience developing software and offering innovative technology solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. A leading company in the region of Murcia, OneSoft currently has dozens of customers that use their business management software.

Manuel López, CEO at OneSoft, knows that the market does not just demand a good program but everything that sits behind it. Stability, reliability and a good support service that provides personalised assistance – these are the foundations of OneSoft’s business and which influence everything they do, including who they choose to work with.


How Jotelulu and the Remote Desktop service fit with the OneSoft philosophy

Gestyón Software (a program by OneSoft) is a complete business management program designed for small and medium-sized businesses that, in many cases, is supported on a virtual desktop so that users can access it from any location and any device. 

Manuel López’s desire to offer more for Gestyón users brought him to try out the Jotelulu platform and the Remote Desktop service. Since then, his customers have enjoyed a 100% personalised cloud environment with OneSoft branding where they can run Gestyón and other applications. 

And whilst that is good, it is only part of the story. One of the things that Manuel most liked about Jotelulu was the ability to manage various customers with multiple services in a centralised way. “The Partner Area makes everything much easier. We have all our customers’ services and infrastructure controlled on a single platform which allows us to be more agile. We also have a direct line with sysadmin profiles to address incidents and enquiries, and that obviously changes everything.” says Manuel. “Being able to administrate services in an agile way allows us to be more efficient, and this has a positive impact on the service and attention that our customers receive from us”.

For OneSoft, the quality of the after-sales and technical support are key when it comes to working with small and medium-sized businesses. Manuel López and his team have high expectations and trust Jotelulu to help them to continue to grow and maintain their quality standards.


Making Ahora ERP and proprietary software more affordable, agile and secure.

Industry: ISV and Software Integration.

Size: <10 employees.

Location: Zarautz, Basque Country, Spain.

Service: Remote Desktop

ASEI has been working since 1997 developing their own software for small and medium-sized businesses, having created their own commercial management software called Asei ERP Pymes. In recent years, ASEI has also become a leading partner of Ahora ERP in the Basque Country. 

Gregorio Portularrume, Director of ASEI, had a clear vision from the start: Our philosophy has always been based on continuous improvement, listening to the demands of our customers and offering something that sets us apart from the competition”. As a result, for the past two decades, they have been introducing new products, services and technologies at the same time as developing their own software.

This philosophy also led Gregorio to discover Jotelulu and begin selling the Remote Desktop service as the perfect cloud complement for Ahora ERP and their Asei ERP Pymes program.


Ahora ERP and Asei ERP are much more agile and accessible with Remote Desktop

The Jotelulu platform and the Remote Desktop service address two main customer concerns when it comes to cloud services: performance and security“The speed of Ahora ERP when running on the Remote Desktop is impressive and was without a doubt a complete surprise,” comments Gregorio. “Furthermore, one of our customers requested an external cybersecurity audit and it was deemed outstanding,” he added.

Another key point for Gregorio was how easy the service was to deploy“We managed to deploy some of our modules in different locations in very little time and that is something that we value highly. It makes us much more efficient”. Generally speaking, setting up cloud environments is not a simple process. Gregorio understands this and that is why he has opted for the platform. The setup assistants save time, make things easier and everything is much faster. “In the end, all these little details have a big impact for the end customer. They notice it and we do too,” says Gregorio.

Ultimately, the platform and its services are helping ASEI to offer cloud environments in an agile, secure and efficient way, complementing their activity as a software integrator and developer. Maybe that is why Gregorio was so enthusiastic when we asked if he wanted to share his experience with other IT companies: Of course we want to tell them how well Ahora ERP and Asei ERP Pymes are working on your cloud!”. 


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We make the difficult easy

Existing Disaster Recovery tools often require advanced knowledge to manage, demanding expertise that is difficult to acquire.

Jotelulu’s Disaster Recovery aims to make the difficult easy and offers a very simple deployment based on a three-step configuration:

Origin (Primary Site)
Determine the origin location of the subscription on which the Disaster Recovery service will be established.

Destination (Recovery Site)
Set the destination location (availability zone) where you want the Recovery Site to be deployed.

Replication characteristics
Specify the data related to the number of copies to be kept and the frequency at which the replication will be performed.