We have now added a new feature to our platform – 2-step verification for access to both the platform and the user portal. It is an extra security measure that can be applied when accessing a service. As well as a password, users will have to enter a code that they receive either throutg an app or in a text message. This new feature aims to increase security and provide greater protection to our platform and its services.
How can I enable 2-step verification?
You can enable this new feature from the Users section on the Organisation page: Organisation > Users > (…) Menu > Edit.
Activating 2-step verification for each user
Once you have opened the user profile, simply scroll down until you see a subsection entitled “2-Step Verification”. Here, you can enable the feature for the platform and the user global.
Activating the feature for each user
More information and/or next steps:
If you like the sound of this new feature but would like more information, please see the following tutorial: How to Enable Two-step Verification for Access to the Platform and the User Portal. We hope that this new feature makes you feel even more secure. Thanks for reading!