Disaster Recovery Quick Guide

In this guide, we’ll quickly cover the basic features of Jotelulu’s Disaster Recovery. With this new addition to the Jotelulu platform, you’ll be able to ensure business continuity and compliance with the strictest security standards, as well as perform disaster simulations with the Disaster Recovery Drills feature.

Disaster Recovery is a brand new product that allows you to create, manage and maintain business continuity plans for both yourself and your customers, thereby protecting critical environments against potential disasters.

Below, we have quickly explained what the service looks like on the platform and the different configuration options available to you.


Quick Guide: How to Use Disaster Recovery



Once you have signed up for a Disaster Recovery subscription, you will see a new card on the dashboard on the platform. On the card, you will see a summary of the product’s features, and if you click on it, you will be able to access the Disaster Recovery configuration screen.

The Disaster Recovery screen will show a summary of your activity an the main details related to your subscription.

If you click on “New Plan”, you will be able to deploy a new DR environment and configure which service to copy, the commutation mode, the periodicity, recovery site, etc.


Disaster Recovery Quick Guide Summary


Disaster Recovery Environments

In the My Plans section, you will see the settings and status for each of your deployed Disaster Recovery environments. On this screen, you will also have the option to manually launch a Failover or check the status of your copied infrastructure.

Disaster Recovery Quick Guide Environments


Perform Simulations with the DR Drills Feature

In the Drills section, you can simulate a failover in order to exhaustively check whether your replicas are configured correctly. This way, you can be sure that you are compliant with the strictest business continuity audits, whether internal or external.

On this screen, you can see the details of each simulation and create new simulations for your different plans.

Disaster Recovery Quick Guide Drills


Disaster Recovery Quick Guide: Summary

In this quick introduction, we’ve taken a look at the main sections of the Disaster Recovery service on the Jotelulu platform. As you can see this is a simple, affordable and easy-to-use business continuity solution for any business.

If you would like to find out more about the service or perform a specific action, I recommend you check out some of our other tutorials:

How to Activate a Disaster Recovery Environment

How to Reconfigure your DR Replication Policy

I hope you find this information useful, but as always, if you have any questions about the service or how to use it, you can contact our support team who will be happy to help.

Thanks for reading!

Categories:Disaster Recovery

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We make the difficult easy

Existing Disaster Recovery tools often require advanced knowledge to manage, demanding expertise that is difficult to acquire.

Jotelulu’s Disaster Recovery aims to make the difficult easy and offers a very simple deployment based on a three-step configuration:

Origin (Primary Site)
Determine the origin location of the subscription on which the Disaster Recovery service will be established.

Destination (Recovery Site)
Set the destination location (availability zone) where you want the Recovery Site to be deployed.

Replication characteristics
Specify the data related to the number of copies to be kept and the frequency at which the replication will be performed.