In this short tutorial, we’ll show you how to reconfigure your DR replication policy on the Jotelulu platform, step by step.
The needs of any business can change very quickly. There may come a time when you need to change your Disaster Recovery plan to adapt to a change in circumstances. Or maybe you made a mistake when deploying your plan and need to correct it.
Whatever the reason, you can reconfigure your Jotelulu DR replication policy in just a few simple steps.
How to Reconfigure Your DR Replication Policy
Before you get started
To successfully complete this tutorial, you will need:
- To be registered on the Jotelulu platform and have logged in
- A ‘Remote Desktop’ or ‘Servers’ subscription. If you haven’t subscribed yet, check out our tutorial titled How to Register a Remote Desktop on Jotelulu.
- A Disaster Recovery subscription
Changing Your Replication Policy
Before we go any further, it’s important to explain the difference between pausing and stopping replication on your DR subscription:
- Pause: When you pause replication, no more recovery points are created until the service is restarted.
- Stopped: When replication is stopped, no more recovery points are created until the service is restarted, but you will also be able to change your settings while it is stopped.
So, clearly, to reconfigure your replication policy, you need to stop replication. To do this, first, click on your Disaster Recovery subscription card (1).

Next, click on the three dots in top left corner of the Replica status box (2). Click on “Stop” (3).

At this point, the box will change to look as shown in the screenshot below. Click on “Reconfigure” (4).

On the next screen, select the Source for the replica (5), which is the original subscription that you wish to replicate.

Next, you need to decide where to replicate your resources. You can either create a new target site or overwrite your existing one (7). As explained in the warning message on the screen (8), if you select the overwrite option, your subscription will change to “on hold” until the new replica has been successfully created. Once you have made your choice, click on “Next” (9).

You are now ready to reconfigure your replication policy. On the next screen, you can set the following parameters:
- How often to make a replica (10): You can choose from every 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours.
- What time you want replication to start (11)
- The number of recovery points to retain at any one time (12): You can choose up to 24.
- Whether to use DNS or IP failover (13).
Once you have made your choices, click on “Finish” (14) to apply your changes.

At this point, the Replica status will change to “Configuring” (15) and you will see a progress bar on the right-hand side of the screen (16).

That’s all there is to it! You have now successfully reconfigured your Jotelulu DR plan.
As you can see, it is very simple to reconfigure your DR replication policy. Whether you make a mistake when you set up your DR plan or your business circumstances change, you make whatever modifications you need to in just a few easy steps.
If you would like to learn more about Disaster Recovery, check out the following articles on our blog:
- Disaster Recovery: What Are RPO, RTO, WRT and MTD, and Why Are They Important?
- Disaster Recovery: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?
- Top 10 Key Factors When Creating a Disaster Recovery Strategy
- Why is Disaster Recovery Planning Such a Headache?
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