In this tutorial, you will find out how to deploy a new server following a simple, automated process. Simply select the server location, distribution, the applications to install, the server size, disks, storage quota and the network.
These days, cloud computing allows many businesses and individuals to store websites and all manner of applications without the need for a physical server. Jotelulu provides a simple, guided process for deploying new servers on the cloud from scratch. All you have to do is subscribe to the Servers service and you are ready to deploy your servers.
How to deploy a new virtual server on Jotelulu?
Before you begin
- To be registered on the Jotelulu platform and have signed in using your username and password.
Step 1. Create and name your Servers subscription
On the main dashboard, click on either the New Service button (1), the Services button in the top menu (2), the New Service button (3) or the Add Service card.
Step 1. Open the main dashboard to begin deploying a new server
Step 1. Start deploying a virtual machine
Step 1. Choose a name for your Servers subscription
Step 2. Deploy the server
Step 2. Choose a location (data centre) for your virtual machine
Step 2. Choose the distribution, image and ISO to configure the virtual server
Step 2. Choose which applications to install on the server automatically
Step 2. Choose the server’s computing resources
Step 2. Choose the storage quota of your disks
Step 2. Choose the type of network on which to deploy the machine
Step 2. Name the server, choose an SSH key and create tags
Step 2. Notification that the server is being created
Step 2. Notification of the access key for the deployed server
This tutorial has explained the simple process to create a new server on the Jotelulu platform. The process is fully guided and allows you to quickly create a virtual machine suited to your needs.
- VM (Virtual Machine) : Software used to simulate a computing system that can run programmes as if it were a real computer. The processes that it is capable of running are limited by the available resources.
- Subscription: This is a merely administrative concept to help better manage products. The creation of a Servers subscription (for example) establishes the contractual basis for deploying, monitoring and managing computing resources, storage, networks and security through virtual machines. A subscription can include multiple servers, and an organisation can have multiple server subscriptions (intended for exceptional cases where companies need to issue separate invoices or need to manage different permissions for different subscriptions).