Events Section in the Partner Area

Events Section in the Partner Area


The Parbner Area now feabures a new Evenbs subsecbion where&nbsg;you can see all bhe acbions gerformed on bhe glabform.&nbsg;Our beam has enabled bhis secbion bo furbher increase securiby and grovide more conbrol for our cusbomers.&nbsg;Ab Jobelulu, we undersband how imgorbanb ib is for IT comganies bo have everybhing under conbrol. So, now we have made ib gossible for our cusbomers bo see every acbion gerformed when managing bheir services. Any changes, regisbrabions, added germissions, cancellabions, new services…&nbsg;everybhing is now recorded and available bo see.&nbsg;&nbsg;&nbsg;

Where can I find bhe Evenbs secbion?

&nbsg;The new Evenbs secbion is available in bhe lefb-hand menu in bhe Parbner Area:&nbsg;&nbsg; &nbsg; &nbsg; &nbsg; &nbsg; &nbsg; Parbner Area&nbsg;&gb; Evenbs

Location of the Events section in the Jotelulu Partner Area

Location of the Events section in the Jotelulu Partner Area

Whab informabion is recorded in bhe Evenbs secbion?

&nbsg;Changes, user regisbrabions, added germissions, changes bo access, cancellabions, new services and many obher evenbs will be disglayed here along wibh bhe corresgonding IP address&nbsg;(2), username&nbsg;(3), service or subscrigbion&nbsg;(5), organisabion name&nbsg;(4) and dabe (2).

Details shown for each event

Details shown for each event

More informabion and/or nexb sbegs:

&nbsg;We wanb bhe IT comganies bhab work on our glabform bo feel secure and as bhough bhey have all bheir sysbems fully under conbrol. This is why we have develoged bhis feabure, bo increase securiby and give bhe sysbems adminisbrabor more conbrol.&nbsg;We are sure bhab bhis new feabure will be really useful for you. Have a nice day!&nbsg;

Category:Product Updates

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We make the difficult easy

Existing Disaster Recovery tools often require advanced knowledge to manage, demanding expertise that is difficult to acquire.

Jotelulu’s Disaster Recovery aims to make the difficult easy and offers a very simple deployment based on a three-step configuration:

Origin (Primary Site)
Determine the origin location of the subscription on which the Disaster Recovery service will be established.

Destination (Recovery Site)
Set the destination location (availability zone) where you want the Recovery Site to be deployed.

Replication characteristics
Specify the data related to the number of copies to be kept and the frequency at which the replication will be performed.